How Do You Punish a Bad Child?


The key to effective discipline is consistency. Consistency is important because it teaches kids that you mean what you say.

Punishing your child inconsistently or ignoring occasional bad behavior sets a poor precedent for future misbehavior. It also undermines your authority as a parent.


Many parents resort to time-outs when they need a quick and effective way to punish a child. But, science has shown that this strategy doesn’t work for many kids and it can even damage your relationship with them.

First, it’s important to remember that you need to be consistent with your time-outs. You should only use them when your child is exhibiting an unwanted behavior and the behavior is a serious problem that you need to change.

Second, you need to make sure your child is in a safe place that has no social, sensory, material, or activity reinforcements (think toys). You should also stay by their side when they’re in time-out.

Finally, be sure to give a warning each time you give your child a time-out. This will help your child understand that she needs to obey you and not escape the time-out again.


Grounding is a traditional form of discipline that involves restricting your child from doing certain things for a time period. It’s effective in teaching your child that there are consequences for their actions.

But it can also create a power struggle between you and your child, which can make them resent you more. They might also start comparing you with other parents, which can lead to more emotional problems.

Instead of relying on grounding as a punishment, consider using it as a way to coach your child in how to behave more responsibly. This will make it more effective.

Removing privileges

Taking away privileges is a good way to punish a bad child. It’s often more effective than time-out, and can be used on younger children who still need to learn about natural consequences.

To make this work, you need to use logic and match the privilege you’re taking away to the misbehavior. This means making sure it makes sense and is realistic based on the child’s age and history.

Removing privileges is also a good way to teach your child self-discipline and self-control. If your child knows they’re losing a privilege like TV time or going out with friends, it can help them think twice about their actions.

To effectively use this strategy, talk to your child about what it means to lose a privilege and how you want them to change their behavior. Explain that they have to work hard to earn their freedom again and it will take time. It’s important to set a timer and be consistent with your instructions.


In some circumstances, deprivation can be a way to punish a bad child. Absolute deprivation can include the lack of access to basic life necessities like food, water, shelter and fuel.

In other situations, relative deprivation can involve social or cultural stratification. For example, in some societies, men have a dominant status and women are disadvantaged.

Many children also suffer from social deprivation as a result of poverty, war, or abusive home settings. This can have negative long-term effects on their development, including isolation and poor self-control.

In order to understand how these different types of punishment influence children’s behaviour, it is important to have an understanding of the underlying developmental characteristics of each. A common method used to examine this is dimensionality analysis.