How to turn your front lawn into a farm: using this easy steps

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Many people, particularly in cities, don’t have access to their own backyard or even space outside their front door where they can grow their own vegetables.

If you’re one of those people who don’t have the space or know-how to garden, this article will show you how to turn your grassy front lawn into an organic vegetable farm!

In it, you’ll learn what crops are best suited to this type of small farming and how to prepare your land so that you can get started right away.

Get rid of weeds


One of the first steps in starting a new garden is removing all unwanted plants from it. The removal process can take a lot of time, but you can use weed killer to make quick work of any unwanted vegetation in and around your yard.

Weed killer comes in liquid form, so you need to spray it onto your plants. If you want to be more eco-friendly, try mixing weed killer with warm water and spraying it over weeds after mowing them down.

The warm temperature helps get rid of weeds that are already dying out from heat or dryness. Weed killers come in several formulas depending on whether you’re trying to kill grasses or other types of plants.

Be sure to follow all directions when using weed killer. It’s also important to keep pets and children away from areas where you sprayed weed killer until it dries completely. Y

ou should also wear protective clothing, such as gloves and goggles, when applying weed killer for safety reasons.

Remember: if you don’t want weeds in your yard, you have to remove them before they grow back!

Pick the crops you want to grow


Spices, Caraway Seeds, Garden, Meal

The first step in converting your lawn to an edible garden is deciding what you want to grow. Large, leafy vegetables are best for space-saving edibles like kale and spinach, while pole beans and tall varieties of corn make great use of vertical space (plus they’re easier to harvest).

Most produce needs about 6 hours of sun a day, so start by mapping out which part of your yard gets that much sunlight at least half of the year.

Once you know where you can plant, it’s time to decide what to plant.

Here are some suggestions

* Leafy greens: Swiss chard, collards, arugula

* Beans: Pole beans, runner beans

* Corn: White or yellow sweet corn

* Peas: Snow peas or sugar snap peas

* Herbs: Basil, oregano, mint Choose one or two crops to focus on; then choose just one more crop to add later if you have room.

You don’t need a ton of different things going on in your garden at once—in fact, that will probably be too much work for most people.

You’ll find it’s better to have one type of lettuce than three types of lettuce; and one type of tomato instead of four types. Having fewer options will simplify your life as well as save money since less seeds means less money spent.

Designate space for certain plants

You may have to make some space for different types of plants. For example, you will need a large area for growing squash or corn.

You may also want to create an herb garden, vegetable garden and maybe even keep bees. Regardless of what you choose to grow, you will probably need to allow at least 2 square feet of space per plant for most gardening endeavors.

Gardening requires plenty of sunlight, so make sure there is enough room for your chosen plants and that you are growing them in an appropriate place.

Provide Water


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While farms may have their own wells, most need to be supplied with water from somewhere.

Your first instinct may be to tap into your city’s water lines, but that’s probably not going to work unless you live on a larger plot of land. The most efficient way is to install individual pumps in specific locations around your property (i.e., by each fruit tree or vegetable garden).

These pumps come equipped with hoses that can lead directly back to one central pump and tank for storing and filtering water for use on site. This process is both highly cost-effective and low maintenance as long as you keep an eye on it.

Protect From Animals


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Animals are drawn to fresh, green grass. When they munch on it, they trample and dig up surrounding areas, which wreaks havoc on your garden or vegetable patch.

If you’re trying to grow food in an urban environment, you may need to protect your garden from small animals such as rodents and rabbits that can make quick work of fragile crops.

Try sprinkling ground hot pepper around your plants—it’s natural and safe for most animals, but not for them.

They won’t be able to resist nibbling at it (and thus protecting your garden), but their mouths will burn so badly that they won’t want to come back for more.

Some other ideas include placing birdhouses around your property; putting chicken wire around vulnerable plants; planting marigolds near susceptible plants; or placing tin cans filled with water along fence lines—rabbits hate crossing metal surfaces.

These deterrents might not eliminate all animal threats, but using multiple methods will increase your chances of success while minimizing any negative effects on non-targeted wildlife.


Once you’ve planted a garden, you need to maintain it. The upkeep is essential for keeping your plants healthy. Maintain gardens using companion planting, mulching and watering.

Mulch can help plants retain water in addition to protecting them from weeds and soil erosion; if applying mulch isn’t an option, plant thick-stemmed flowers such as daisies or aloe vera around smaller plants, as they won’t block sunlight from reaching your crops while still helping to keep weeds at bay.